Rich Alati

Rich Alati

In the immortal words of Howard Cosell, “It’s over! It’s all over!” Poker pro Rich Alati is no longer in the dark as he has accepted a buyout to end his 30-day stay in solitary confinement in a pitch-black room while having zero contact with the outside world.

Rich Alati Leaves Isolation Room Early, Still Wins Prop Bet 14th December 2018 // Gossip, Misc, News. The solitary confinement prop bet between Rich Alati and Rory Young has had the poker world talking during the last couple weeks. Would Alati stay in his isolation room for 30 straight days? As it turns out, the answer is no. Yet here is a real wager currently being played out between two poker pros: American player Rich Alati will get $100,000 from Australian pro Rory Young if he stays in a pitch-dark bathroom, alone.

Rich Alati confinement prop bet The last couple of weeks have been abuzz with Rich Alati and Rory Young insane prop bet. Below are the terms of the prop bet:. Alati was to stay in isolation for a whole month (30 days to be exact).

The bet, as we chronicled, was between Alati and fellow poker pro Rory Young, and would have resulted in Alati making $100,000 if he would have stayed in the pitch-black room, following every requirement in a crazy 11-page contract, for the entire 30 days.

Instead, Alati will now pocket $62,400 as he and Young agreed to a buyout after Young went inside the room for a food delivery on Monday and found Alati still feeling very strong.

According to The Action Network

Young said he initially offered $25,000 for Alati to immediately exit the room, where he had been in darkness since entering on Nov. 21. Alati said no. Eventually, the two settled on Young paying $62,400.

“I saved a chunk of change,” Young said.

Young had been monitoring Alati by live video feed since the start of the bet. He told The Action Network on Friday that he couldn’t believe how lucid Alati was and thought he was going to lose the bet.

“At the last food drop, he was stronger than ever,” Young said Friday. “I underestimated his mindset, his resolve. I’m not disappointed I made the bet, I thought I had the better side, but he has exceeded all my expectations.”

Rich Alati was attempting to win a $100,000 prop bet for living in an isolated bathroom for 30 days, but instead he received a buyout of $62,400 after it ended on Monday, just 20 days in.

— PocketFives (@PocketFives) December 13, 2018

Amazingly, Young reported that Alati somehow was still able to discern day from night, despite being secluded in the dark the entire time “by the faint sound of landscaping,” so he had some idea of how many days he had actually been in the room.

Don’t feel bad for Young though, being the smart gambler that he is, he hedged his bet a little bit.

No. I booked a 10k hedge at 3:1. I lose 85k if he completes challenge and win 90k if he succeeds. Rich doesn’t have any other action on it.

— Rory Young (@RoryYou44565767) December 1, 2018

So his actual loss on the bet comes to around $42,000, quite a savings from the $62,400 they negotiated, and the $100K he was going to be on the hook for if Alati had completed his stay.

Two poker players make $100,000 bet to see if one could live in isolation for 30 days

Two professional poker players made a $100,000 bet while playing at a Las Vegas casino in September that required one of them to live in complete isolation for 30 days in a pitch-black bathroom, a report said.

Two poker players recently engaged in a $100,000 bet to see if one of them could live for 30 days inside a pitch-black bathroom in complete isolation, a report said Thursday.

Professional poker player Rich Alati accepted Rory Young's bet while playing at the Bellagio in Las Vegas in September. Alati agreed to pay Young the hefty sum if he failed to stay the entire 30 days inside the room, the Guardian reported.

Rich Alati Hendon

Alati and Young agreed on the following terms: Alati would be delivered food from a local restaurant at irregular intervals to prevent him from keeping track of time. There would be no television, radio or phone; he would be able to have a yoga mat and massage ball. Alati’s father would also monitor him via video feed and could pull his son out at any time.

Psychologists told the Guardian that living in solitary confinement for a prolonged period of time would be “extremely taxing” on Alati’s mental health. But Alati wasn’t worried—he had been a practitioner of meditation and yoga, a skill he believed would help him remain calm throughout the experience.

At the 10 day mark, Young began to worry he may lose the bet, noting how Alati looked “totally fine.” Young decided to make his rival an offer on day 15: $50,000 to leave the room.

Rich Alati Age

After spending over two weeks in dark isolation, suffering bouts of hallucinations and several moments of despair, Alati confidently declined the offer. The two continued negotiations, and on day 20 Alati accepted Young’s $62,400 to leave.

Rich Alati

Both players were happy with the result and glad to have made the bet, according to the Guardian.

“I think it is a good story of when two people want to test whether they can do something, they do it in a fair environment and can work together, and even though one of us lost a sizable chunk of money, we both feel great about it,” Young told the outlet.